The Science Behind The Sport

Performance Services


At Performance4Sport we offer a range of fully comprehensive packages to athletes and teams. Our Services range from Event Support, Sports Therapy, Sports Science and Strength and conditioning. We understand that a modern multidisciplinary team surrounds athletes and sports teams. We can be incorporated into to a pre-existing team or establish new performance support to suit you.

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning will develop an exercise prescription plan that incorporates different methods such as; anaerobic, aerobic, resistance, and flexibility training to suit the metabolic and physical demands of the sport and the individual or team. Here at Performance4Sport we can provide an effective and well-designed programme which will improve performance, increase an athlete's tolerance to training and reduce the risk of injury. The science behind the sport is the difference between winning and losing and our trainers apply evidence-based research to the tailor-made programmes. Our plans will be relevant and appropriate to the desired goal, whether that is personal best targets or world-championship titles.


Sports Science Support


Sports Science Support is key to success. Here is where we undertake systematic observations to improve performance. This may include tactics, technique, and movement, adaptation, performance reviewing and kinetic and kinematic adaptations. Performance Analysis enables the coach and athlete to be informed as to what is happening rather than what is perceived to be happening at any given time. Research has proven that only athletes can only recall 30% of performance and Performance Analysis helps to recall the remaining 70%. Biomechanical analysis takes place to understand and quantify movement to help diagnose problems, analyse movement and technique, improve performance and reduce injury. In addition we can provide objective measurement of data describing the physiological profile or physiological response of an athlete, producing bespoke strength training, nutrition plans and hydration strategies.

Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy

Our Sports Therapists will be able to manage, manipulate and rehabilitate many soft tissues of the body such as, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Sports Massage plays an important role in any athletic career by enhancing performance and aiding the recovery of an individual. The therapists can provide immediate care of injuries through assessment, treatment, sports massage and rehabilitation.

Proven benefits of massage;

  • Assist mental preparation for sporting participation

  • Removal of metabolic waste

  • improve circulation, delivery of nutrients through vasodilation.

Sports Therapy can be applied at anytime to improve your performance. This could be pre or post competition, during tapering or periodisation phases and post travel.

Performance Coaching


Performance Coaching's aim is to improve performance, focusing on psychological and physiological preparation, pre, during and post competition. Within this aspect of your training, we will be focusing on fine tuning your performance to give you that cutting edge in competition. All of our coaches will be able to keep your athletes or teams focused on the set goal. We can advise on time-zone adjustments, hydration and the best nutrients to suit your requirements. This will be formed from discussions on the competition and event support can be offered to teams and athletes, whether it's an athletics track, ski slops or race circuit.

Physical Activity Consultancy


Here at Performance4Sport we understand the importance of staying physical active, however that may be. We understand that everyone has different starting points when it comes to being more active and healthy. Not only does being more physical active in our everyday lives help with our fitness and performance, but also with our mental health and ability to respond when we are faced with difficult and tough challenges. Our consultancy service allows individuals, organisations, schools, local authorities and more to get in touch so we can create a bespoke intervention service for you. This can be from working 1-2-1 with individuals and assessing their everyday lifestyle and behaviours, to then making small changes that make a big difference. To, working with larger organisation, schools and local authorities to improve the health and wellbeing of their populations, with bespoke physical activity and sports development projects. These larger projects can be anything from community led physical activity in parks to smaller physical activity interventions where pockets of inactivity and ill-health are prevalent. We can work with those with longer term conditions such as diabetes, COPD, obesity, pulmonary and cardiac conditions as well as tackling mental health head on. Our aim is to reduce inactivity in those populations that are hardest to reach.

Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Nutrition is essential for an athlete's performance and so we have teamed up with DALMAY PERFORMANCE NUTITION to provide nutritional support. Dani is a registered Sport & Exercise Nutritionist, with sound knowledge of how to bridge the gap between theory and practice to enhance sporting performance. He can provide support for all individuals and athletes, whether you are starting out on your fitness journeys and looking for some immediate guidance and support or competing at the top of your game and looking for an in-depth analysis to enhance all aspects of your nutritional intake to promote sporting performance.
